
The driver’s manual Nordschleife with route description and ideal line as free PDF:

Here you can download the most important information about the Nürburgring Nordschleife and the individual sections in a small manual as a PDF file.

In addition to some general information and overview plans, it also contains detailed maps of the individual sections of the Nordschleife. For each individual map there is a detailed description of the ideal line and the respective characteristics of the described section. By small preview pictures of the entire race track one has with each detail view the orientation, where one is on the over 20 km long course straight. Some background information about the official and unofficial names of the track sections of the Nordschleife round off the information package.

This PDF offers a good opportunity to prepare for your first laps as a tourist on the Nordschleife and to familiarize yourself with the curves, crests, depressions and peculiarities of the different sections of the circuit. Even if you have already driven the Nordschleife, you can evaluate your experience to improve your line in each lap.

Of course, the driver’s manual is not only intended for the tourist driver. It is also very suitable for the Nordschleife fan who, for example, follows the 24-hour races and wants to get a detailed picture of the Nordschleife and its individual passages.

» Download driver’s manual Nürburgring-Nordschleife as PDF with plans, information and ideal line

Your own experiences with the Nordschleife, suggestions for improvements to the track description or just a short feedback on the manual can be given below!
The Nordschleife driver’s manual can be downloaded free of charge and is free for private use. A duplication or a spreading as well as the use or utilization of the texts or diagrams is not permissible however.
The Nordschleife Driver’s Manual is currently available in version 1.0. It will be continuously updated and extended with consecutive version numbers. Therefore please always link to this page and not directly to the PDF. A direct link to the PDF would no longer work with the appearance of an updated version.

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