Complete map of the Nordschleife with route description and ideal line as free PDF:
Here you can download the map of the Nürburgring Nordschleife with all sections and a description of the ideal line as a free PDF file.
This detailed map shows the entire Nordschleife with all 73 curves in the generous DIN A0 format. In addition to the ideal line, the map also shows crests and valleys, bridges and underpasses as well as notches and steep curves. The official and unofficial names of the track sections and the mileage information allow good orientation on the more than 20 km long Nordschleife. The detailed description of the ideal line and the special features of the individual sections round off this plan.
Thus, the route map offers the possibility to prepare for your own laps on the Nordschleife or to process experiences you have already made afterwards. But also for every fan of the Nordschleife the plan is an enrichment and will certainly look good in the room or in the garage.
The plan of the Nordschleife is 118.9 cm wide and 84.1 cm high (DIN A0). Resolution and format are designed for poster printing of printing services such as cewe-print or Posterjack. However, as no test print has yet been carried out, no guarantee or warranty can be given for the print result.
» Download map of the Nürburgring Nordschleife with ideal line and track information as PDF
Experience with various printing services, suggestions for improvements to the map and the descriptions or just a short feedback on the plan can be given below!
The Nordschleifen-Plan can be downloaded for free and is free for private use. A duplication or a spreading as well as the use or utilization of the texts or diagrams is not permissible however.
The Nordschleifen-Plan is currently available in version 0.9. It will be continuously updated and extended with consecutive version numbers. Therefore please always link to this page and not directly to the PDF. A direct link to the PDF would no longer work when an updated version is published.